Visions of Egypt by Munir Eltobgi

Inside of Munir

Year it was created: 2021

Medium used: Oil, Papyrus, Burlap, Printed Paper

Hours/Days to complete painting: 1 Month

Condition of the Artwork (scale from 1-10) 10

Art Description: Each torch holds a different symbol representing myself. The Arabic calligraphy on the top reads “There is no God but You, glory be to You.” The hieroglyphics on each torch spell my name (Munir). The mouth represents good communication. The hand represents giving others a helping hand. The eye represents analysis to see and interpret human behavior. Eye contact also creates a form of communication. The yin yang represents unity so that individuals may accomplish purpose.

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 The Work of Munir Eltobgi Art is a reflection of nature and it is a photograph of everything the artist senses.