Visions of Egypt by Munir Eltobgi

Silhouette 3

Year it was created: 2006

Medium used: Watercolor

Hours/Days to complete painting: 6 Months

Condition of the Artwork (scale from 1-10) 10

Art Description: Prior to the loss of my son Megdy, he expressed his desire to visit Luxor, Egypt. He wanted to visit the temple of Karnak. In the outline of my face, you will find in the center of Karnak, my son Megdy at the door entering the temple, fulfilling his dream. The Arabic calligraphy reads a prayer recited for my son which says, “We belong to God and to Him we shall return.”

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The Work of Munir Eltobgi Art is a reflection of nature and it is a photograph of everything the artist senses.